Category archives: Web

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I get Marked Down, but I get up again

When I first decided to start writing this blog I wanted to do it using Markdown, however the default HTML it generated didn’t align with what I needed. One example is my block code <pre> tags need the prettyprint class(es). So I resorted to manually typing everything as HTML.

It was only recently that ...

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Deb Constrictor: Multiple Parents

To reduce the amount of setup required to start using Deb Constrictor for new projects, build configurations now allow for multiple parents (as of version 0.7). Now, when writing configurations, your build-config.json can inherit from a parent project config containing the project name, and a “base” config that defines the type of project ...

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Cache Invalidation Magic with Wildcards

The two hardest things in computer science are: naming things, off-by-one errors, and cache invalidation. This post is about the latter, specifically, how to invalidate your users’ browser cache when your static files have changed.

I found out about this one weird trick (doctors hate him) a few years ago but I think it bears ...

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Fixing Adsense Not Displaying (In Wordpress)

Recently a client was having issues with Adsense units not displaying on their WordPress blog. All the usual troubleshooting steps didn’t reveal anything, and the problem was made even more confusing by the fact that ads would display in the sidebar, while the exact same ad unit in the content section wouldn’t show ...

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