Archives 2019

Keras/TensorFlow Neural Network for Product Categorisation

I thought I would write this post because every time I looked for an example of categorising text all I would find were sentiment analysis of news articles or Twitter feeds. That’s cool because you can get started without having your own data set, but I do have a real data set I need to ...

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Git: When is a tree not a tree?

Git repositories are described as trees, with branches. This is true. But, thinking of them as nodes of connected commits, is slightly more correct. Each node has a parent, and might have children. A node can be named with a tag or branch.

Sounds complicated, but let me explain

Target Audience

This post is aimed ...

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Fix Dock not showing with Multiple Displays

I recently joined the Triple Display Crew and have two external monitors hooked up to my MacBook. I ran into a strange problem where the Dock, which I keep down the bottom, wouldn’t pop up on the centre screen.

I wanted my display arrangement to match the real layout as accurately as possible. The external ...

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I get Marked Down, but I get up again

When I first decided to start writing this blog I wanted to do it using Markdown, however the default HTML it generated didn’t align with what I needed. One example is my block code <pre> tags need the prettyprint class(es). So I resorted to manually typing everything as HTML.

It was only recently that ...

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Shared Config for Deployment and Applications

On application deployment, we often want associated services ready to go. After all, what good is a web application without a database? Ideally, when you first deployed your application, a database and role would automatically be created using the same settings that your application uses. In this post I’ll discuss two methods of sharing database ...

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Deb Constrictor: Multiple Parents

To reduce the amount of setup required to start using Deb Constrictor for new projects, build configurations now allow for multiple parents (as of version 0.7). Now, when writing configurations, your build-config.json can inherit from a parent project config containing the project name, and a “base” config that defines the type of project ...

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